New Beginnings

At some point, when you were fourteen or fifteen, before you reached adulthood or knew who you were, you had to determine whether you were going to be the sort of person who held tight to every single thing that passed through your life, no matter how insignificant it was, or the sort of person who set it all adrift. Life was easier on the people who were willing to relax their grip…” p.196, The Brief History of the Dead by Kevin Brockmeier 2006

As a child, I collected frogs and caterpillars in order to observe and admire their movements. Then, I moved onto a collection of 72 elephants – many were ornaments, some were candles and one or two were curious objects, including an antique pie funnel and a boot pusher with an elephant’s head. Then I moved on to books. Luckily, I let most of the elephants go and my mum was glad she didn’t have to house the collection while I travelled the world for 20 odd years. But the books… Oh dear. Even a Kindle Fire didn’t save me. I ended up buying the kindle version and the hard copy. Now I’m letting go as I move to the UK. It is time to release my dependence on books and start to publish my own words. I am the woman I am meant to be. I accept my power. My power lies within. It does not lie in a pile of books. This day marks the birth of my blog. Welcome to my words.

Letting go
Letting go


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