My belief is you get back what you give; you create your reality through thoughts and attitude. Teaching is not work to me, it is a joy! So my students get heart-inspired, uplifting, high-quality, personalised guidance in a really positive and supportive atmosphere. I am offering a very special opportunity to learn Reiki in a really small and cosy group with individual attention and a vibrant Reiki Community to practise with after the weekend workshop. You can be assured of quality, tailored-to-you instruction in a friendly, positive and supportive atmosphere for reasonable fees.

Richard Jones, Reiki Master at colours of the Dawn School of Reiki, Sheffield, UK

Each workshop I create is a gateway to a community of like-minded people and you can join and engage with that community for as long as you want, long after the course is over. Forget about the ‘one and done’ mentality! Forget about going it alone! I’m in it for the long haul because this work is who I am and I will be there for you as you learn and grow on your own journey. A student seeks the teacher who is right for them and vice versa. If you are looking for support to co-create your vision and you want to thoroughly enjoy doing so, you have found the right teacher! If you believe it’s a team effort and we all grow together, you are the right student for me.

Small groups allow for good communication
It’s a joy to teach Reiki!
Practical courses give you hands on experience

My strengths as a teacher are my awareness of individual learning styles, my training in effective listening skills and my experience of different cultures and languages, as well as over 10 years of experience of teaching Reiki to people just like you! Before becoming a holistic therapist and trainer, I worked as a teacher for the British Council in Egypt, Poland, Brunei, Kenya and Bangladesh, creating skills based language courses for adults and children to learn individually, in small classes of 10 and in groups of 50. This taught me how everyone learns in a different way and has their own set of skills and challenges. A good teacher recognises quickly what each learner needs and adapts the content and delivery to include everyone.

Richard Jones, Reiki Master at colours of the Dawn School of Reiki, Sheffield, UK

Some people are visual, some need to move around and move stuff around. Others prefer to hear the input. Some need to write lots of notes and some need to ask lots of questions.  Now I teach tiny groups of up to four students so that you get maximum attention and build beautiful friendships during your workshop. What you won’t get from me is a talking head. Your needs are my top priority and that’s why I don’t teach large groups; I simply wouldn’t be able to give you the attention you deserve!

Reiki students learn to use a pendulum to read energy
Reiki Students get a beautiful certificate

Reiki can only be learned through consistent practice. Attending workshops and getting attuned to the energies at each level of training are the starting point for a process of learning. There are three levels of Reiki training; Healer, Practitioner and Master. It is a personal choice how many levels you wish to complete and how quickly you wish to progress. However, to give time for the energy of Level 1 to be assimilated, you will need to complete a minimum period of 3 months practical training before doing Level 2. At each Reiki training course you will be attuned to the energy and you will learn Western and Japanese Reiki techniques. Your learning will be supported with a training manual and personal mentoring during the course. A beautiful Reiki Certificate is presented to you and you are invited to set up Reiki practice exchanges with other students after each course. You can become a member of my free online groups to share experiences and information and benefit from post course mentoring. You are also encouraged to attend regular Reiki Shares after your course, so that you can build friendship and receive support within our Reiki community.

The courses are very comprehensive with 14 hours of content at Level One and 16 hours at Level Two and 25 hours at Master Level. I also offer you a bonus introductory evening session, which students really love! Each course is very practical, tailored to you and accessible to all. If this way of learning with a strong focus on community and bringing out the best in each individual sounds interesting to you, please check the calendar for course dates and then use the contact form to request a registration form to reserve your place.

A student flowing Reiki to the solar plexus
An outdoor Reiki Share
A student flowing Reiki to the feet

No experience is necessary for Level One, but you do need to have an interest in spiritual development and it is best to have tried this form of energy healing by having at least one Reiki treatment before you begin to learn to flow this spiritual energy yourself. This does not have to be with your teacher, but can be a good way of finding out if you ‘click’ before you commit. By the end of Level One, you will have learnt a meditation to increase the flow of Reiki, a philosophy around living in the now with a focus on self love, kindness, gratitude, calm and respect for life and a practical method for Reiki energy healing. You will know how to treat yourself, your pets and your family and friends with Reiki and you will be ready to embark on a 21 day self healing journey. If this way of learning with a strong focus on community and bringing out the best in each individual sounds interesting to you, please call me to request a registration form and reserve your place.

Many students go on within a few months to take Level Two Reiki training (also known as Okuden) and become a professional Reiki Practitioner. For Level Two, you need to have either studied Level One with me and have done 3 months’ practice or have studied with another teacher and be able to go through what was covered before you register. The Level 2 Reiki attunement and practical training introduces you to the use of symbols as a method to help you experience different aspects of energy and you will explore the art of distant healing. You will then be mentored through the practical application of the new techniques to prepare you to practise as a Reiki Practitioner.

The choice to study further represents a deeper commitment to Reiki as a way of life and you may become a Reiki Master and possibly a Teacher of Reiki. This is known as Level Three Reiki or Shinpiden. Reiki Master Level is sometimes taught in two halves, separating the ‘how to teach’ element from the attunements, meditations and techniques. I give you all of this in one course and offer you an ongoing apprenticeship style training in which you receive mentoring as you continue your journey and take up the opportunity to observe me teach different levels of Reiki. Once you have trained at Master Level with me, you have my support until I leave this planet!

A group of Reiki Students doing treatments
Doing a Reiki Treatment
Four chairs facing the Reiki Teacher
Reiki Level One in Harlton Hall
Reiki Master Christine Ashton holding a drum
Reiki Drumming at a Reiki Share

These self development workshops are individually tailored workshops for Reiki students at any level. Participants can request their choice of content from a selection of topics and the workshop is tailored to the participants’ needs. Topics such as chakras, Reiki principles, manifesting and distant healing have been popular in the past. Towards the end of the day we have group treatments and Reiju, which is a method of attunement to Reiki. Participants may also request to do observed treatments for feedback from me and from the recipient.

Do you want the self empowerment that comes with being able to support your own healing? If so, there is something you can do right away to support your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing.  Do you have a challenging health condition that you feel would respond to self treatment with Reiki? I’m interested in helping people to learn to self treat with Reiki, without all the commitment of a certified Reiki course. Would you give yourself the gift of Reiki if you could learn in a few evenings or one day? Would you like to know how to place your hands on your body and kickstart the body’s own healing process? Would you welcome a way of  bringing wonderful calm and focus to your life with a few half hour self treatments a week? I can teach you this in a shortened version of Reiki Level One, aptly named ‘Treat Yourself’. This is an on-demand workshop, specifically designed as an introduction to self healing. You will receive attunements to enable you to self treat and an explanation of the nature of Reiki energy and the energy body as well as practical advice on hand positions and a guided meditation to help you improve as a channel for Reiki. 

Please note that there are some contraindications to Reiki practice; please do not register if you are pregnant or if you have a serious mental health condition such as bipolar disorder or schizophrenia. If you are under treatment for cancer, you will need the approval of your medical team. A communicable disease would obviously prevent attendance. If in doubt, please contact me for further information. When registering, please let me know any medical conditions or any needs that I can take into account to make your course more comfortable for you.

Natural healing
for the spiritually curious
with Christine Ashton