Have you ever wished you could just lie down for an hour and get up feeling refreshed, re-motivated and ready to face life’s challenges again? Do you want feel more joyful and really love your life? Do you wish for more mental clarity, emotional balance, spiritual connection and physical energy? Or do you want to learn how to practise self-care and protection for your energy body and use techniques for instantly creating a state of energised calm for you and for others? You may be interested in holistic and spiritual healing therapies and would like to delve a little deeper. Perhaps even learn how to flow Reiki for yourself and others. You can count on my 12 years of experience helping people just like you to take the next step towards wellness and self-empowerment.

Loosen the knots with Reiki
Flowing energy through hands to bring balance and healing for your body, mind, heart and spirit through Reiki treatments, courses and a Reiki share community
Release the blocks with Breathwork
Exploring how conscious connected breathwork journeys can free you from the analytical mind to reach new depths of self-healing and transformation
Connecting to Reiki Energy
Heal from within with Trance Mediumship Healing
Attuning to spirit and blending energetically with my spirit guides to offer healing on a deep and transformative level while I am in a light altered state known as trance.

Imagine waves of revitalising energy jump starting your own natural healing process to nourish your mind, body and soul. My reiki and crystal healing treatments, breathwork healing journeys and trance mediumship healing sessions can open doorways to inner wisdom and transformational shifts. My bespoke fusion treatments take things to a new level; a reiki treatment with crystals or sound healing added in can be sublime! Perhaps you’d love a guided meditation and some trance healing to relax you deeply before a conscious connected breathwork journey? The possibilities are truly endless. An in-person experience offers supportive touch within the unique energy of my Cambridge treatment room. Online sessions and home treatments can be enjoyed from the comfort of your own space. Whatever you choose, I create a unique and empowering experience just right for you.

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I would like healing to be available to everyone and aim to make it affordable. I have devoted myself entirely to this work and I am offering just two or three treatments a day in order to give each person the best possible treatment. My courses and workshops are deliberately limited to small groups, so that I can give you individual attention. Discounts are available for block bookings and I do exchanges of Reiki treatments with other practitioners too. Treatment discounts are also available for clients undergoing cancer treatment once you have your medical team’s approval for your chosen treatment. I can also provide donations of treatments for fundraising causes.

For more information, get in touch
For more information, get in touch
For more information, get in touch