The A-Z of Shoestring Therapy

A short few weeks ago I was taking a stroll through the alphabet, musing on ways to heal from within by relying on your own resources and I bravely read aloud these thoughts to my writing circle. I learnt a lot from my own reaction to hearing my own voice. Writing builds awareness in many ways. 


A is for Amazing Thoughts

Today I heard the President Elect of the British Psychological Society confirm that thoughts are just chemical reactions. We can affect our mental health by altering those thoughts that drag us down. This was my reason for buying some sparkling white ankle socks that said “You are Amazing!” in lipstick red across the toes this summer. I wore them round the house and smiled each time a looked at my feet. It felt rather decadent.

B is for Brave Faking

Summer is long gone and lately my autumn-turning-to-winter thoughts are not so easy to change. I have to be brave; I chose to drive into town by myself to attend a talk. I could have stayed at home and had another night like the last 40 nights. I’m not keen on driving at night but I want to get out more. Putting a brave face on it is a therapy in itself. Or as modern girl might say, “Fake it ’til you make it”.

C is for Crying

Crying is good for you too. My son cried so much as a baby he wore his tear ducts out. It took him years to learn to cry again. Today I wept in the shower and let the tears wash away my grief at another lost battle for support for my son and for me. We will find another way.

D is for Distraction

I learnt at the lecture that there is research into using distraction after a traumatic event as a way of reducing PTSD. Subjects in this study played tetra after watching horror films. That must be why I tidy cupboards in a crisis and other people put the kettle on.

Thinking about Friends
Thinking about Friends

E is for Energy Work

Energy levels are like an electric hob today; slow to warm up and hard to switch off. I need to plan ahead for these fluctuations and keep checking I’m not wasting resources. I have an energy work diary that is getting dusty. It’s time to make an entry.

F is for Friends

My son had a friend over from school for the first time in 40 days. His face was alive when I got home from the lecture. It was kindling for my happiness and I felt warm again. I miss my friends, but I know that all my good friends started off as new friends.

G is for Getting Out More

In Bulgaria I ran the What Knot Club for people who wanted to get out and do something interesting and enjoy good conversations. Now it exists in Cambridge. We go walking and talking. Maybe we have created a version of ‘The Talking Therapies’ made simple.



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