In my element

Untie The String Training Room
Untie The String Training Room
Learning about Mikao Usui and his spiritual quest
Learning about Reiki History

Last weekend was truly magical. I taught Reiki Level One to two ladies. As usual on these courses, there was a synchronicity to these two people choosing to learn on the same course. It is said that people come to Reiki at the time that is just right for them and the teacher who is just right for them also appears at the right time. I think the same is true for the teacher, because just the right students appear.  I always say that every treatment teaches you something and so does every student. It is just a case of listening well and being aware of what is happening in every moment . What did I learn? I learnt that I have more knowledge than I thought I did; I just speak from the heart and it flows like a mountain stream through clear bamboo. The same as Reiki itself. You can’t learn Reiki from books and videos. You have to experience it and let it teach you. There is a constant balance of seriousness and playfulness that keeps you intrigued as you evolve with the practice. I became a Reiki Master in 2011 and since then I have evolved so that I no longer recognise my former self. As we said at the beginning of the course, “If you don’t want to change, you are in the wrong place.” Be assured that change happens gradually at a pace you can cope with; just as water may be a gentle drop in the ocean, over time it can also cut through rocks to change the landscape. I am celebrating all the change the last few years has brought and my new viewpoint of just trusting and just enjoying. Thank you to my teachers and my students too. We are all changing all the time and all is well.