Spiritual energy healing bridges time and space – reaching you wherever you are

What on earth is distant Reiki?

Distant Reiki has to be experienced to be believed! I turned down my first few invitations to experience distant Reiki, because I felt foolish even admitting such a thing might be possible. Back then, it was a bit too strange for me! I thought I needed someone to actually place their hands on my body to get the healing effect. In fact it is totally simple when you know how and anyone can learn this Reiki technique.  I now know from experience how amazingly effective distance healing can be.

The set up for distant healing
Online Reiki Session
Dolls to focus distant healing
Dolls representing the client in distant Reiki

For my second level of Reiki training I was sent distant Reiki healing by my teacher and it truly astonished me! She had asked me to experience it for myself  before I learnt the method from her. She said I was to lie down at home at 2pm and just say, “I am open to receiving Reiki from Priya now!” I felt a bit apprehensive and a bit unsure whether I had said it with enough conviction, but I rested on my bed, closed my eyes and waited, half curious, half hesitant. Well! suddenly a wave of warmth passed through my entire body, rather like the feeling of a deep bath or sunbathing as the sun comes back out from behind the clouds. Then, pulsing, tingling, rippling sensations came and went here and there. It was just the same as when she was in the room, except I couldn’t feel her hands resting on me. It got stronger and stronger. I felt all the tension leave my jaw and my shoulders. The healing was so deep and wonderful, that I quickly texted by husband in the kitchen to ask him to watch the kids for longer – I was going to stay in this deep healing as long as it lasted!

How is it done?

All you need is a quiet space at home to comfortably experience your healing and an open mind and you will receive the Reiki I am sending to you from my treatment room. I always send a message before I start and when it’s finished. I also offer an online video chat on zoom or other platforms before and after the treatment and I can play music during the treatment for you in this format. You can also choose to stay on camera for the healing if you want to, but it isn’t necessary. I go very deeply into what I am sensing energetically in response to the Reiki with distance healing and so at the end I give you a little description of what I sensed and where the main healing took place. It works just the same as with hands on Reiki; we can’t diagnose anything, but the feedback is very useful confirmation, as it always fits with what the recipient experiences, which is always fascinating for the client.

Why go for distant healing?

Remote healing can be even more powerful than in-person healing, depending on the circumstances. I’ve done distant treatments for hundreds of people for all kinds of reasons. Some people have a weekly half an hour for pain and anxiety caused by chronic conditions. Some choose it instead of going for a rejuvenating massage when they are feeling stressed or worn out.. You can also have distant Reiki to support you through a stressful situation like an interview or a trip to the hospital or at night to help you sleep better. Distance Reiki is really good for young children, people in too much pain to move or be touched and those in social isolation. Some people simply prefer it because they don’t have to spend time and effort travelling. Instead they can stay cosy in their home, perhaps sleeping deeply afterwards or lying down quietly.