Crystal Healing

Many years ago, my Reiki Master offered me a crystal to hold in my hand. It produced a sudden emotional release and I could not bring myself to let go. It had been given to him and he gave it to me. It is now part of a huge collection and I have since trained…

Many years ago, my Reiki Master was doing a Reiki treatment for me and he offered me a crystal to hold in my hand. It produced a sudden emotional release and I could not bring myself to let go of this small yellow crystal. It had been given to him and he gave it to me. It is now part of my huge collection of crystals gathered from all over the world and I have since trained in the use of crystals for healing. I can offer this as part of a Reiki healing session or as a main treatment.

Crystals and treatment table
The crystal cabinet

Chakras are said to correspond with the endocrine system and each one relates to different body parts and is associated with different colours, functions, emotions, attitudes and many other aspects of wellbeing. These energy wheels are part of the Hindu tradition and are widely understood in many cultures now as the energy centres connecting the physical body with the aura or energy body. In a chakra balancing treatment, you have a crystal of the corresponding chakra colour placed on each of the 7 main chakras at the crown, brow, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacrum and base of spine. You then receive Reiki healing with the intent to clear blockages to the flow of energy at each chakra, with the aim of restoring harmony, strength and balance to the way the energy moves throughout the energy body. Each chakra receives just the right amount of Reiki to balance it with the others. Before and after treatment a crystal pendulum is held steady over each chakra, and the way it moves illustrates the state of the chakra , giving a useful comparison.

Reiki healing can be enhanced by intuitive selection of crystals by the Reiki Healer for placement on or near the client. Crystals are found in some Japanese Shinto practices and there is one special method of using crystals in Reiki, which is attributed to the founder, Mikao Usui. Clear quartz is placed on the 3rd eye,  citrine is placed on the throat and jade is placed on the heart. Each crystal is charged with Reiki energy and left in place during the whole treatment, producing a very deep state of relaxation. Reiki students learn how to cleanse and charge up crystals at their level two training and how to select crystals for healing based on intuition.